EMF’s (Electromagnetic fields) have always existed and come from both the natural environment and human technology. They exist in a variety of forms categorized by their frequency such as; Visible Light, Cosmic Rays, Radio Waves, Microwaves, Cellular, Wi-Fi, etc. EMFs that come from the electric power grid have low frequencies of 60 Hz meaning that they are lower on the electromagnetic spectrum and have less energy. It is a generally known that low frequency EMF’s, of the type generated by power lines, are not harmful. “Based on a recent in-depth review of the scientific literature, the World Health Organization concluded that current evidence does not confirm the existence of any health consequences from exposure to low level electromagnetic fields.” 1 2.
What are EMF’s? EMFs are part of the electromagnetic spectrum which organizes radiation by the frequency that it is wiggling back and forth (wavelength). The EMF of the US power grid is 60 Hz which as you can see in the chart is rated as “Extremely Low Frequency”. EMF’s are actually two different types of fields of force, Electric and Magnetic. Although the two exist together they are caused by something different and act on materials differently so let’s separate them out. Electric fields are always present along wires even when the device on the other end is turned off. Electric fields are created by an imbalance of electrons (imbalance of positive and negative charge) called voltage, which is electrical pressure like water pressure in a hose. If the voltage goes up so does the electric field which is rated in volts per meter (V/m). Magnetic fields are only present along wires when a device is turned on. Magnetic fields are created by current, which is the flow of electricity like water down a hose. If the current goes up so does the magnetic field which is rated in Gauss (G). Are they dangerous? Electric fields cause electric charges on the surface of materials including people and cats. When you feel your hair standing on end when you rub a balloon on your head, scuff your feet on carpet, during a lightning storm or when you stand under a transmission line you are feeling an electric field. Many of the studies examining the biological health effect of electric fields were negative. 4 bottom of page 5 Magnetics fields of higher frequency radiation called ionizing radiation (like ultraviolet light) can cause damage to cells because they have enough energy to knock electrons out of atoms or molecules and thereby create ions. Lower frequency magnetic fields called non-ionizing radiation (like AM/FM Radio, WiFi and high voltage power lines) don’t have enough energy. 5 “There is no known mechanism by which magnetic fields of the type generated by high voltage power lines can play a role in cancer development.” 6 The media attention started in 1979 when a publicized paper suggested a possible correlation in Colorado between power lines and child leukemia. 7 The criticized study had a small sample size, made hypothetical associations and un-measured assumptions nevertheless the fear took root. 8 Almost 40 years, thousands of studies and 30,000 scientific articles later, most agree there are is no conclusive evidence of health consequences from exposure to low frequency EMF’s. Interesting Facts Bonus Section:
February 2024
AuthorBrent is an electrical engineer specializing in utility power systems with a master’s in Energy Policy and Management an MBA, PMP and a degree in Spanish. |